The Renaissance Series

" His latest conceptual work , The Renaissance series, incorporates the fusing together of the contemporary everyman with some of the greatest works of art history has ever seen, dating back to the 1400s. Bringing a wonderfully unique perspective to his craft and composition, Fabris breathes life into every one of his photographs, creating modern day masterpieces. There is a polished elegance and nobility present among so many of his subjects, bringing about the virtue in each individual captured.

The Renaissance series has been awarded the APA Conceptual photography award, 1st Place International Color awards & the One Eyeland Silver award.


In the last quarter of 2015, The Renaissance series went viral over the internet, after being featured in the Art section of the Huffington post."





Art Wynwood Miami 2016 ( with Vogelsang ) 


Vogelsang Gallery 2016


Urbane Art Edinburgh 2016 

Freddy Fabris