Stories at an Exhibition: Art and Writing (10 Sept - 5 Nov)


Art teaches us to look closely and broadens the scope of our writing practice. This 8-week course will prompt you to engage with art exhibitions in galleries and museums near you, and share stories, sketches, and experimental writing with other writers around the world.

Every two weeks, you'll receive writing prompts and suggested activities to write your way around four different art exhibitions. Explore photographs, paintings, video installations, and abstract art as a rich resource for both fiction and creative non-fiction writing.

No writing or drawing experience is necessary, but a willingness to play and experiment is.

Your own writing will be the focus of the course, though we will also look at examples of art-inspired writing by well-known poets and fiction writers. Stories at an Exhibition is for you if you're interested in alternative approaches to writing, or want to shake up your way of writing, or you're feeling blocked and want to kickstart your creative practice.

The course is also devised to suit artists with an interest in a text-based practice, or who'd like to explore ways to write creatively about their work.

Please visit our site for more details, and do contact us with any questions.

8 weeks

Host & Provider:


Shaun Levin