REST (Relational Expressions of Spiritual Transcendence)

REST*   is  a   multimedia    installation and performance  constructed by  Hilary  White  investigating faith, and it's possible role in experiencing  relational interactions with the physical depicting the spiritual as a mode of community development through story telling and celebration.   REST   utilizes    ritual aesthetic  and the rave  format  as   modes of   developing communitas*. The symbolic narration interjects references  to   the   account in the book of Revelations depicting the regeneration  of  heaven and  earth  as an  undivided  locus void of all systems of death. The   use   of specific   content   is  used  to catalyze   the developing    conversation   of   how a  faith narrative   may    enact  relational expressions  of  identity that  engage diverse populations, and how celebration through expressive dance engages beyond specific belifes and engages the moment within the oceanic experience of now.  REST is an installation of constants exposed  to  flux in relation  to  collaborators,  location,  and  the interactions   that  develop    within   each   installment.

*Communitas   refers to anthropologist Victor Turner’s use of  the term
as an unstructured   state   (a  departure  from social
constructs)  in  which all   members of a community are
equal, allowing  them  to   share  a  common   experience

Hilary White