Hands & Feet Series

"I have created my own art form of portraiture juxtaposing ordinary, routine tasks against a backdrop of current news articles
that feature a variety of social, political, environmental issues and events.

While reading about and listening to these issues in the news, the articles and stories began affecting me in such a way 
that I wanted this to be reflected in my art. I depict my reactions to these events through the visual interaction of hands, feet and portraits
painted against a backdrop of current news articles that have touched me. I try to collect headlines and photos with the least biased contents
from around world. Not only do I use current news articles that have had an impact on me, but I also use original newspapers
describing historic events in order to preserve those stories on paper for the future.
I am concerned that printed media may cease to be as prevalent in the future due to the rapidly developing technology.

I use gesso, acrylic and oil on a background made up of a collage of original newspapers that are glued on canvas or on top of my previous artwork."

Shin-Young An