July PleinAir Salon Online Art Competition

The 14th Annual PleinAir Salon is an online art competition with 12 monthly cycles, and is open to a variety of mediums and styles. It’s not just for plein air painters! We invite a variety of top master artists, museum directors and gallery owners to judge each month. All monthly winners are automatically included in the Annual Competition where the Grand Prize winner receives $15,000 and has their painting featured on the cover of PleinAir Magazine, the #1 representational art magazine at Barnes & Noble.

In addition to a total of $50,000 in ALL Cash Prizes, winners receive exposure and recognition through our various magazines, websites, newsletters and social media platforms. 

2024 Emerging Artist Award

The 2024 Emerging Artist Award is for all UK & international visual artists.

You can submit up to 5 works and if you are selected you will be offered an opportunity for a solo exhibition at the Saint Louis Art Gallery Oxford in Oxford, UK.

The 5th Chelsea International Photography Competition

The Chelsea International Photography Competition celebrates gifted, notable, and fresh talents in the world of photography. Professional and amateur photographers, at any stage of their careers, are invited to participate in the competition to be discovered and promoted professionally in the heart of New York’s art district.

With awards valued at more than $55,000, the CIPC aims to promote and showcase extraordinary and innovative art.

For more info, please visit: or email

Autumn Artistry Sticker Design Contest

Calling all designers, illustrators, artists and sticker lovers! We are running another sticker design contest and this time it is “Autumn Artistry” themed! Design a sticker inspired by the fall and all things related to this pumpkin spiced season! All fall themed artwork will be eligible - whether it is an illustration of a jolly jack-o-lantern, a painting of your perfect pumpkin patch paradise or a rendition of your favorite seasonal fall foods! Get creative with your entries. We want to see pumpkins, fall leaves, sweater weather delights and more! This contest is FREE to enter and will run from September 19 until midnight on November 6th, 2023. Submit your original sticker illustration or design for a chance to win some great prizes!


Do you want your artworks to feature in your own solo showcase in our 3D Innovative Art Gallery Experience?
  • £145. Price includes 3D Innovative Art Gallery Experience showcasing up to 25 of your Artworks.
  • 'Catalogue of Works' for Art Buyers & Art Collectors created with Artwork Details.
  • Global recognition on social media platforms.
  • 4 Weeks FREE ARTSY selling subscription through Opulent Art.
  • Two week online showcase on Opulent Art Gallery website.
  • MP4 video file you can download and use for your own use, website & promotions.

Paris Art Prize

The “Talent Art Prize" - Paris is a contemporary art award dedicated to emerging and established artists and offers you the opportunity to exhibit your art by taking part in the Artio Gallery in Paris, France from April 5th - April 7th; Winners of the contest will have the opportunity to exhibit their artwork at our show. Apply now at

Application Deadline: March 1st, 2024

Exhibition Benefits:

All applicants will be featured in an online exhibit, on our website.

10 Winners will be selected to participate with one original artwork.

Winners will receive the following:


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