
Taos Art Insurgency

Taos is a major artist's colony that has been at the forefront of most of the major modern art movements initiated within the last 120 years. Taos has been a major seat of Modernism, Abstract-Expressionism, and Minimalism. David Anthony Fine Art, Wilder Nightingale Fine Art, Dragonfly Blue Gallery, and Greg Moon Art of Taos host this national show in conjunction with the Taos Spring Arts Festival. This four-galley show will have a regular juried section. In addition, each gallery will also pick no less than three pieces designated as “Director's Choice” invitational pieces. The show will run April 25st – May 16th with an opening reception on May 2nd.

ALL IS LEAF: The Phoenix Earthship Residency

Meet All Is Leaf… A roaming residency program featuring art retreats in novel spaces dedicated to fostering socio-ecological consciousness within the creative practice through deep, meaningful engagement with the earth and others.    

Found among the notes of the poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe is the claim:

“Everything is leaf.”

Through his fascination with plants and an in depth examination of their totality, noting the “morphology” of the natural world, he concluded that every part of a plant is leaf.  On nature, Goethe wrote, “We live within her, yet are foreign to her. Conversing with us endlessly, she never divulges her secret… Nature is even the unnatural. Those who cannot see her everywhere do not see her clearly anywhere.” 


All Is Leaf

All Is Leaf: The Phoenix Earthship

An Art and Ecology Residency

Meet All Is Leaf… A roaming residency program featuring art retreats in very special spaces dedicated to fostering ecological consciousness within the creative practice through deep, meaningful engagement with the earth and others.  


Found among the notes of the poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe is the claim:

“Everything is leaf.”

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