
Open Call for a Short-Term Residency at Stone Oven House

Stone Oven House is announcing an Open Call for creative professionals from any field who are interested in sharing their work, presenting a project, or teaching others. Whether you are an artist, musician, writer, educator, scientist, or performer, we invite you to join our unique space for a short residency of 1 to 3 days.

Our aim is to support and promote artists while boosting the local hospitality industry, encouraging sustainable tourism in the valley.

During the residency, participants will have the opportunity to organize a public event of their choice. This could be a concert, film screening, lecture, workshop, presentation, or any other format that fosters interaction and exchange with the community. 

What we offer:

Experimental Music Video Production Opportunity

Rubbbish Productions, in collaboration with Rubbbish Magazine, is offering a unique opportunity for musicians who don't have a music video for their work. Our mission at Rubbbish Magazine is to spotlight raw, unfiltered creativity across various art forms, challenging the conventional norms of expression. We are looking to create an experimental music video that aligns with this ethos.

Today I... Entry #3&4 Open Call

We are now accepting submissions for our third and fourth entries in the Today I... Visual Journal Series.

Today I... is a visual journal entry series that combines different mediums and styles to tell a story, transporting viewers into a world woven together by accompanying visuals, and the words that narrate it. Each entry has a different theme in the form of a prompt.

Our third prompt is the following:

...I saw everything in color

Our fourth prompt is the following:

...I stayed up all night

This series open call is accepting all artistic mediums including, but not limited to, writing, film, visual art, music, and performance art.

Submissions open for Autumn / Winter Edition of Black Square (Sifr) Journal

Writing must be between 750 - 10,000 words. Focus ought to be religion, art, philosophy, music, literature. Paintings/photos/drawings, if accepted, will be printed in B&W. Recipes for dishes, either new or traditional, are greatly encouraged. New musical compositions rendered as sheet music greatly encouraged.

POETRY IS NOT ENCOURAGED but will be considered.

edited by Paul Luria and AC Pinkhasov

See for a sense of what we're interested in. 

FROM THE BACKGROUND TO THE FOREFRONT Plants becoming protagonists

ARTISTS FOR PLANTS in collaboration with Fundación Otonga



TO THE FOREFRONT Plants becoming protagonists


Artistsforplants has taken up the desire of many artists from all over the world to bring their contribution towards a more conscious awareness of the centrality of plants in life, both for Human beings and the Planet.

That’s why our 2024 International Call is focused on artworks dedicated to the plants coming to the forefront: from acting as a backdrop, plants must become true protagonists in human perception.

Altered Images

We are preparing the Fifth edition of Altered Images and we are more excited than ever! 

The event is scheduled to take place on October 11Th ‘24 and we are looking for a varied range of artists and proposals:



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