Call for Artists

Botanicals Art Contest

Grey Cube Gallery proudly presents the first Botanicals online art contest for the month of September 2020. The gallery invites artists and photographers to share their artistic vision using any work with interpretation of botanical and floral art (flowers, herbs, fruit, leaves, plants and related floral subcjects). All visual art mediums (except video and sound) are allowed. The Best of Show winning artwork will be displayed as the poster of the show. All winning artists (Merit Award & Honorable Mention) will receive a digital award certificate. $16 for 2 images of artwork. You may enter more than once. Deadline: September 3, 2020. 


Venice International Art Fair
Deadline: September 03, 2020

ITSLIQUID Group, in collaboration with Venice Events and ACIT Venice – Italian-German Cultural Association, is pleased to announce the open call for FUTURE LANDSCAPES, second appointment of BORDERS – Venice International Art Fair.

BORDERS Art Fair, curated by Arch. Luca Curci, will be presented in Venice at THE ROOM Contemporary Art Space, at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello and in other prestigious venues from October 15 to November 29, 2020.

Call For Artists: Hüten Gallery International Exhibition Vol.1

Hüten Gallery is welcoming artists to present their works in both of our online platform and on-site space. The exhibition is the first international project in 2020 launched after COVID-19, titled BOUNDLESS. It aims to provide a cross-dimensions platform for contemporary artists from around the globe to presents works and receive extensive international exposure. 

All mediums are welcomed. 

Selected artists will have the opportunity to be interviewed by magazines as well as press media; the interview along with the artist introduction will be published on the art magazine we collaborate with. Our online platform with Artsy will together provide selected artists e-comerce services for artworks' selling. 

Corona and Climate Crisis

The Corona pandemic demands our attention. But the other existential issue, climate change, is still important. Our main question is, “What do we learn from the current Corona affliction to avoid the climate crisis?” We use the term crisis instead of change, because change sounds too soft and manageable.

Both crises have in common, as one cause, strong global mobility. Another is our lifestyle and our plundering of resources. The threat is different. With Corona it is acute. The state is reacting strongly, following the advice of science. In contrast, the climate crisis poses a particular threat to future generations. This threat will soon no longer be kept in check by acute measures. The state is reacting insufficiently and not following the science.

Open Call for The Chelsea Hotel Zine

A call for artists working in any medium to be featured in a fine art foccussed zine. This is the first issue of the zine, and will go into print and sales in October. See image for details.


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