Isabella Harper


After an easy childhood my world was shaken by a very messy parental divorce, after which I struggled severely with my mental health to the extent of attempting to take my own life a few months ago. Whilst I am nowhere near 'fixed' in any sense, I've acknowledged I will never be able to go back to my former self, and therefore am learning how to use art to cope with my emotions. Every day I am using art to channel thoughts and feelings I cannot verbalise in an attempt to aid those who cannot empathise with my struggles through means of verbal discussion, to at least understand a feeling.

Created during lockdown, this piece explores how those who do not wish to fit into the gender binary are sexualised and objectified by cisgender individuals, primarily through a lack of representation in mainstream culture.
Sometimes it feels as though our negative thoughts suck the personality out of us. As illustrated in this piece, the mind overwhelms our sense of identity.