Sector: Theatre, Outdoor Arts, Families
Country: United Kingdom
City: Coventry
Size: 2 - 10 employees
Address: 54 St Christians Road Cheylesmore Coventry CV3 5GX
Phone: 07923393515

- About -

The Fabularium was created in 2010 as a piece of action research to support
the development of Postgraduates in association with Coventry University with
the intention of enhancing skills in performance for outdoor productions. The
Fabularium pageant wagon was created in association with Russell Dean of
Strangeface Theatre, and was used as a spectacle to entice audiences. Stories
were depicted through various mediums from acrobatic and circus skills to mask
and puppetry.
Engaging with a wide array of audiences whilst nurturing a graduate pool of
Artists has led to immense performer expansion, shaping the future of what it is