Views: 2503
Sector: Art, Technology, Residency
Country: Europe
Europe: France
City: Aix en Provence
Size: 2 - 10 employees
Address: 550 Rue Denis Papin Aix en Provence 13100 France

- About -

​​​What is the HIVE? ​​Located at and supported by thecamp, the non-profit HIVE collaborative residency is a six-month creative programme for 20 talented individuals from around the world—more than 14 nationalities are represented in the present cohort from disciplines as diverse as AI researchers, Choreographers, and Film Makers, from 22 to 38 years old. The goal of the programme is to re-imagine the future and develop projects which respond to the global challenges our planet/society face today or will face in the near future.

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