We will post the jobs for you

email your jobs to "jobs(at)artjobs.com" after payment
complete, we will do the posting for you.

( Please login your account for the payment )


One Standard Job

One standard job, run for 45 days
At the top of the list for 30 days


One Featured Job

Featured job ads ensure maximum exposure of your ad:
at the top of the list for 45 days
highlight in weekly newsletter
are shared on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin
are shared on our partner artweek.com


3 Standard Jobs

3 standard jobs, run for 45 days
At the top of the list for 30 days
Ad credits are valid to use within 6 months of purchase.


3 Featured Jobs

Featured job ads ensure maximum exposure of your ad:
at the top of the list for 45 days
highlight in weekly newsletter
are shared on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin
are shared on our partner artweek.com


5 Standard Jobs

5 standard jobs, run for 45 days
At the top of the list for 30 days
Ad credits are valid to use within 6 months of purchase.


5 Featured Jobs

Featured job ads ensure maximum exposure of your ad:
at the top of the list for 45 days
highlight in weekly newsletter
are shared on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin
are shared on our partner artweek.com







Post your Job Online

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