Dimitra Bouritsa

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Statement : 

Strongly influenced by Paula Rego ,her work combines elements of fairy tales, animals and fantastic creatures with common images and established archetypes of the west culture. Through that paradox scene she attemps to make a statement about contemporary society ,its values, and the position of women in it.

'Je rêvais de joies infinies, des voluptés qui sont du ciel'
oil on canvas, 190x 170 cm, 2019
Ses flots d' harmonie
water oils on canvas_125x115 cm, 2020

Born in 1988 in Athens Greece, Dimitra Bouritsa studied Architecture at the National Technical University of Athens (2006 to 2012). In 2013 she followed a Master course in Sculpture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels.
Since October 2015 till 2020, she studied Painting in Athens School of Fine Arts.



United Kingdom
United States
New York
United States
Los Angeles



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