Elizaveta Povysheva

Country where you live:

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Statement : 

Each picture was written on an emotional upsurge after the experienced situations. My work also touches on political topics, my experience of interaction with law enforcement agencies in Russia.

The main theme of my work is interaction with the surrounding reality and emotions from what is happening. In my works, a person is often depicted, I believe that it is easier for the viewer to associate himself with the plot, reading emotions from the character.

The main technique of my works is oil and acrylic paints, I often combine picturesque paintings with charcoal or black marker. By making the painting more varied, I want to evoke a desire to look at the picture for a longer time and immerse myself in it.

After the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine, many people decided to leave Russia. Having received a humanitarian visa, I left the country where I lived all my life, with one suitcase. The picture shows a queue for a bus on which it was necessary to go a long way - to be stopped first by traffic police officers, later by FSB officers, and finally, to cross the border with Latvia for those who were let through at the Russian border, most passengers are Ukrainians, I managed to talk to some of them and learn their history, in the picture I depicted images of people whom I remember.
Addition to the first work against the backdrop of politics
Past love
Blogging house
In 2021, I managed to live in a blogging house. I will remember this atmosphere forever, the symbiosis of work and parties is admirable. I will remember the emotions from how people from the programs of which I once watched on the phone, right in front of you, are tired of a show that would not have been shown either on TV or on YouTube. This episode of my life greatly influenced me as an artist.

Was born in Moscow. Place of study - Moscow Art School in memory of 1905. In 2022, after the start of the war, she received political asylum in Latvia.

United States
Los Angeles
United Kingdom
Los Angeles
United Kingdom



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