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Statement : 

A visual and digital artist, my work is in the tradition of conceptual art. As a whole my research into images is about escaping from our conditioning to bring forward our individual relations in the world. I employ installation, photography, performance, artist books and programming to articulate issues of individuality and how we become subtracted from ourselves and from the conditions of society. Adding to this theme is a sharp interest in nature and ecology investigated via language.

By carefully choosing places where I can become a spectator of our conditions, I attest to what we refuse to see, speaking to a form of visible invisibility.It is through gestures and with attention to behaviors that I make video and sonic installations addressing the notion of ‘presence’. Then this work is presented in turn in empty places where I use scenography and site-responsiveness to allude to this sense of ‘strangeness’.

Recently I have expanded my investigation of presence to include representations of psychic states that have led me to create forms of portraiture that combine gestures, breath, the beating of hearts, with the act of looking. The rhythmic nature of the body shown through repetitive acts, and at times meditative states continues my questioning into our societal behaviors.

Océane is a mix between video installation and performance, as a scenography, the first spectator step is to discovery the twins portraits (...) Oceane is a work on the game of image and time.
Respiration is the sound of someone sleeping, the installation vibrates in harmony with the breath. Of a plastic temporality, it works only with the intervention of a human being. A lot of work was put into creating the sound for this installation, indeed, the view of the vibration is really important for the finality of this creation. The result is like someone is there, in this box, sleeping.
Work Credit: 
Sur terre
Picture from my artist book : Sur terre Sur terre is a photographic edition 80 pages which invites to reflection. “ It was shot in Norway, during 2 months I travelled from the north to the south of the country to talk about the world we live in.” From environmentalism to uninhabited cold landscapes, the photographs are accompanied by texts by the artist and citations from the philosopher Henri David Thoreau.

Libe (Elody Sanchis) trained in arts and graphic design at Arènes in Toulouse, France, then obtained a license of Fine Arts degree from the Aix-en-Provence school of arts (2017). Following this was a master of Fine Arts degree based on real time (2019). She is an emerging artist with 6 years of professional practice. Recent group exhibitions include: Hybrid’Art a contemporary art fair (Un regard sur vous, 2017) and the production of AVÉ FANTI (FRAC PACA, 2018) for the In 2017 & 2019 she had 2 solo exhibitions at the school of art in Aix-en-Provence (ESAAIX). In 2020, she took part in the KCAW (Kensington + Chelsea Art Week) festival in London by proposing a photograph of her edition Sur terre.

She now lives and produces artworks in Montreal, Quebec and is a member of l’ADAGP (La Société des auteurs dans les arts graphiques et plastiques) in France and the RAIQ (Regroupement des arts interdisciplinaires du Québec.)


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