Chloé Marchal

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Statement : 

I took this picture during a cold winter in New York, on the rooftop of an old factory in Red Hook, south of Brooklyn. This is the reflection of a painter and his canvas, that I wanted to associate with an image of an artist's ponderings. 
This image was inspired by the poem by Thomas Traherne - 

"Thus did I by the water's brink
Another world beneath me think;
And while the lofty spacious skies
Reversed there, abused mine eyes, 
I fancied other feet
Came mine to touch or meet;
As by some puddle, I did play
Another world within it lay."

An Artist's Sky
Taking off
The streets of Manhattan were empty, there was no noise, no movement, it was the covid society in New York. Only this figure was there, leaving the sleeping city.
United Kingdom
United States
United Kingdom UK



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