Alena Shaburdina

Country where you live:

City where you live:

Statement : 

Deep pictures to deep people.

I follow the path of awareness and create unique works for your soul, reflecting the uniqueness of the perception of each moment.

Morning in Paris
Beauty is a terrible power
Should we?
In vino veritas

My name is Alena Shaburdina, I’m a professional artist from Moscow, Russia, and I can’t imagine my life without painting since early childhood so I decided to connect my life with art.

I’ve been successfully selling my artworks through social media, online galleries and offline abroad and in my country. My paintings are completely original, modern and attractive – mostly I use oil, acrylic on canvas and finish them with a good layer of varnish for bright colors and high-quality protection.

Japanese, Italian, Russian literature, nature, painting and fashion - that's what inspires and encourages me to create more and more stylish and deep artworks. I’m a hard-working artist, painting emotions, feelings and experiences that's why my artworks are so memorable and people appreciate them. I often choose a theme and prepare a whole series of paintings that most fully and comprehensively reveal it.

Despite studying in several art schools and studios with professional masters, my perseverance and desire to develop in my chosen profession of an artist helped me to form my personal style.

My artworks are found in private collections, I am a member of the International Art Foundation, Artist trade union of Russia. I often take part in international and Russian exhibitions and my paintings win in various categories.

United States
Wichita Falls



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