Armand Tamboly

Country where you live:

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Statement : 

Armand Tamboly is an award winning visual artist with a diverse background in Ad photography and design. He is interested in psychology and history and his framework includes environmental, social and political contemporary subjects. He uses his own memory, experience and shared history as a trigger point for his projects. Tamboly received his Master of Fine arts in Photography from HDK-Valand, Gothenburg University in Sweden. Tamboly has been credited with several awards for his contributions to the world of photography.

He received awards and was shortlisted for Sony world photography awards, Hasselblad Masters, Felix Schoeller Awards, International photography awards, Graphis, Paris Photography Prize, among others.

This project is ongoing and about a glacier that is melting rapidly in the swiss alps. Its a simple example of human interference with nature and the conflict in between capitalism and activism. The glacier is an important source of water and is feeding lake geneva and feeds a river going through to France till the mediterranean. Disappearance of the glacier will have a serious impact on the region.
This project is ongoing and about a glacier that is melting rapidly in the swiss alps. Its a simple example of human interference with nature and the conflict in between capitalism and activism. The glacier is an important source of water and is feeding lake geneva and feeds a river going through to France till the mediterranean. Disappearance of the glacier will have a serious impact on the region. The glacier tongue is covered in sheets in a desperate move to stop it from melting.
I will always be a stranger
Siratt: Siratt is having albinism and he is from Afghanistan, after his mother fled with him and his albino brother to Germany, they are living in Frankfurt. His major challenge is with social interaction with people who are not familiar with his situation and the bad eyesight that he is suffering from due to his albinism.
Spandex Mania
A fashion editorial for the Stagewear designer Lena Quist
Work Credit: 
Lena Quist
A project about stereotypes and how we see people different from us. The project is having rather a humorous approach.

Armand Tamboly is a visual artist and photographer with a diverse background in Ad photography and design. in 2021, Tamboly earned his Master of Fine Arts in Photography from HDK-Valand, Gothenburg University in Sweden. He is interested in psychology and history and his framework includes environmental, social and political contemporary subjects. He uses his own memory, experience and shared history as a trigger point for his projects. 

Tamboly is able to communicate vital problems and contemporary issues with the public viewers and trigger them with his unique visual language. Constantly, Tamboly works on long-term projects and is concerned with new ways of seeing things.

He was selected as one of the 200 best ad photographers worldwide since 2014 till 2019 and received several awards including: Photographer of the year from Oneyeland in India, 7 Graphis gold and silver awards in 2015 and 2016, International Architecture photographer of the year. Gold, silver and bronze awards from Moscow international photography awards. Silver Award from PX3 and shortlisted for Sony World Photography Awards 2015, Germany's Best Photographers 2017, 2019. Shortlisted at Hasselblad Masters Awards 2018, Felix Schoeller international prize 2019, 2021. 

Tamboly started working for several music magazines from 2009 including, Metalhammer and Rollingstone and photographed a variety of rock stars, among them Billy Idol, Alice Cooper, Papa Roach, The Boss Hoss, Iron Maiden, W.A.S.P, the Beatsteaks, Marilyn Manson, Parkway Drive, Cavalera Conspiracy, Motör Head.

His work was featured and published in magazines, blogs, and newspapers worldwide, for example, Dagensnyheter national Swedish newspaper, Göteborgsposten, Elle Germany, Brigitte, Huffington Post, Zeit, Stern, Tättowier Magazine, Metalhammer Magazine, Fineart Printer Magazine, Lensculture, Dark Beauty Magazine, Pictures Magazine Germany, Profifoto Magazine Germany,  Photonews Magazine Germany.

Besides being a member of the Association of Photographers in London, Tamboly is often a Jury member for several prestigious awards and he is ranked in Place 10 by Lürzer's Archive in Germany and ranked as one of the best photographers in Germany by Blickfang.

His recent work was exhibited at HDK-Valand, Röde Sten Konsthall in Göteborg, No Picnic Gallery Stockholm, Berlin Photoweek 2021, Stockholm Artweek 2021, SLP Galerie in Bikini House Berlin. in January 2022, he was offered the opportunity of exhibiting in public space in The Ellipse under Sergelstorg at the busiest area of Stockholm. Apart from that, he won several grants from the Kuno Foundation, Adalbertska Foundation, Eric Erikson Foundation, and the University of Arts in Zürich.


• 2022 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee “konstnärsnämnden”- One year working grant

• 2021 Eric Ericson Stiftelse work grant

• 2020 Adlerbertska Stiftelsen

• 2020 KUNO Travel grant, Iceland

• 2020 Swiss-European Mobility Grant, Zürich

Selected Awards

• 2022 WMPO GOLD TROPHY - 1st place, Fashion Photography, World Masters of Photography Awards, Vienna

• 2022 Shortlisted, portrait category, 37th AOP Photography Awards, London

• 2022 Shortlisted, Athens Photo Festival

• 2021 Second place in advertising category, Tokyo International Foto Awards

• 2021 Silver in People/Portrait, Tokyo International Foto Awards

• 2021 Jury top 5 selection International Photography Awards

• 2021 Shortlisted, Fearless, Nordic Village, Helsinki Photo Festival

• 2021 Longlisted for BBA Photography Prize 2021

• 2021 Shortlisted at Felix Schoeller Awards

• 2020 Finalist x2, AOP Awards, London

• 2020 One Eyeland Photographer of the year - Germany - Gold

• 2014 - 2020- 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide,Lurzer’s Archive

• 2019- Germany's Best Photographers, Blickfang

• 2019- Graphis Photography Annual, Silver Award, New York

• 2019 - Best Architectural & Fine Art Photographer- Germany, CV Magazine

• 2019 - Graphis Photography Annual, Silver

• 2018 - Hasselblad Masters Awards, shortlisted

• 2018 - Felix Schoeller Award, Shortlisted, portraits

• 2017 - International Photography Awards, honorable mentions

• 2017 - Global Entrepreneur Award, finalist

• 2017 - Deutschlands Beste Fotografen, Germany's best photographers, Blickfang

• 2016 - Sony World Photography Awards, Portrait finalist


• 2016 - Moscow international photography awards, 3x nominee

• 2016 - IPOTY, International photographer of the year, architecture

• 2016 - Fine art photography Awards, nominee

• 2016 - PX3 Paris, silver

• 2016 - London International Creative Competition, Honorable mention, London

• 2016 - PX3 Paris, People's choice, Bronze, Paris

• 2016 - Trierenberg super Circuit, gold medal, Linz

• 2015 - International photography awards, 3rd Place

• 2015 – International Photography Awards, Oneshot, honorable mention

• 2015 - La Grande Awards, honorable mention, portrait

• 2015 - La Grande Awards, nominee, architecture

• 2015 - One Eyeland Photographer Of The Year

• 2015 - BFF (Berufsverband für Freie Fotografen) Awards, Merit Award, Germany

• 2015 - Graphis Annual Photography Awards, 1gold x 1silver New York

• 2014 - Fine Art Photographer Of The Year, Silver, Oneeyeland, India

• 2014 - People Photographer Of The Year, Silver, Oneeyeland, India

• 2005 - Photography award, Rencontre de l'image Festival, French Cultural Centre, Cairo


• 2021 Dec, SLP Galerie, Bikini house, Berlin

• 2019 Nov - Over…, Galleri Monitor, HDK-Valand, Gothenburg

• 2019 Aug - Underwaters, Haus Am See, Berlin

• 2019 Jul - Intersection, Riogrande, Berlin

• 2015 Mar - Eve's Glory, The Ballery, Berlin

• 2015 Jan - Eve's Glory, P103, Berlin

• 2014 Nov - Eve's Glory, SOMO Gallery, Berlin

• 2013 Oct - Parallel Dimension, Riogrande, Berlin

• 2011 Mar - Wende in der arabischen Welt, House of World Cultures, Berlin

• 2011 Feb - Egypt Faces, Akademie der Künste, Berlin

• 2009 May - Timeless, Wave Gotik Treffen, Leipzig

• 2004 Mar - Mystery, Faculty of Fine Arts, Cairo

United States
Washington D.C. Metro Area
United States
United States
Los Angeles



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