Studio Wolffia / Emily Jackson

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Statement : 

Employing the power of colour, form and pattern, Jackson’s works are an act of resilience that draw from personal memories and everyday observations, from wall paper to children's crayons or the texture of a fabric sample. Her complex compositions are imbued with the bold confidence and intricate depth of abstract artists like Shirley Jaffe and Bridget Riley.

The studio’s namesake, Wolffia—the tiniest flowering plant on Earth—serves as a poignant symbol of Jackson’s methodology. Unremarkable in its singular form, the Wolffia plant becomes visually impactful as it spreads across vast surfaces. This interplay between singular form and expansive pattern paired with striking, sometimes clashing colour combinations, continually fuel Jackson’s creative vision.

Planting Flowers
2023 oils on canvas 100 x 100 cm
At High Altitude
2024 acrylic on canvas 140 x 180 cm
United States
San Francisco
United Kingdom



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