Christine McCann

Country where you live:

City where you live:

Statement : 

I love stormy weather. Foreboding skies. Excited air. Moody drenched days. These energize me and draw me to capture the fleeting light and intense colors that precede dramatic weather.

I also love cities. To walk in cities is to be alone and anonymous yet connected to humanity and life through every other who shares that urban space. Like powerful, uncontrollable weather, a city immerses and acts on you.

I seek to reveal the physicality and spirituality of a city, its grace and flow, its reality, the natural world it supports, its residents.

I strive also to document the beauty in the everyday life and routines of a city - those moments that may be mundane or suddenly made memorable by manifold unpredictable elements. 

Hudson Couple
Two gulls stand together looking north and south on the Hudson River near Chelsea Piers in Manhattan. Hoboken, NJ is an autumn blur in the distance.
Work Credit: 
Christine McCann
Blue Rain
Luscious October storm clouds cover the Atlantic Ocean and the beach at Lavallette, NJ moments before the rain begins.
Work Credit: 
Christine McCann
Stormy spring sky over Lexington Avenue looking north to East Harlem from East 95th Street on the upper east side of Manhattan.
Work Credit: 
Christine McCann
Sparrow on Cast Iron
A sparrow rests on a cast iron ornament on Fifth Avenue during autumn 2021 in New York City.
Work Credit: 
Christine McCann
Duckling Looking for Mama
A weeks-old mallard duckling looks anxiously after his mother as she flies away, leaving her eleven ducklings alone on their float. In the Boat Pond in Central Park, New York, NY.
Work Credit: 
Christine McCann

Christine McCann is a New York City photographer whose primary inspirations are cities and shorelines, especially New York City and the east coast. Her work is mainly representational and true-to-life but very occasionally includes abstract images. She is self-taught.

Republic of Korea
United States of America



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