Ethel Lilienfeld

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Ethel Lilienfeld's work, which questions notions of identity, femininity and intergenerational family connectivity, is shown through an autobiographical lens. The body occupies an important place in most of the depictions arranged by the artist. While she uses photography, sound installation or video, her devices are nonetheless related to sculpture and the relationship to space is crucial. In her videos, Ethel Lilienfeld discourses with the actors and installs the sets and objects by drawing alternately from fiction and reality.

RITA 2020, video device, 1.35'' in loop, tripod, 40" flat screen, milk puddle The portrait of a woman appears on a luminous screen in space. She is crying white tears. The flesh and milky tones of the video plunge us into an intimate and delicate universe in contrast with the silent violence of the pale tears rolling down her cheeks. Her posture recalls that of the Madonnas, a recurring theme in religious painting. Almost motionless, the immaculate liquid coming out of her eyes is disturbing: Is it milk? The ambiguity is prolonged in her nocturnal dress stained by her tears. The work combines softness and a crack in a boudoir atmosphere. Watch the video:
SHE WAS TRYING TO RECONCILE WITH THE NIGHT video installation, 2018 A screen is standing in the room and shows a naked women sitting on his bed, repeating the same slow and cautious move: she is sewing something. The viewer does not know for sure if this woman is sewing the bed or herself. As the stretched thread slowly cuts out the space, the scene appears out of time. We cannot say if the blue lights are due to late or early hours. The video repeats itself, in a loop. Watch the video:
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