Eva Cid

Eva Cid

Country where you live:

City where you live:

Statement : 

Portraits for the 21st Century.

They are large-format portraits of great people, of brilliant people, inside and out, that combine the description of external features with internal ones.

These portraits made with mixed technique are influenced by the old canopies of the West End theaters, done with mixed technique and retro materials, replaced today by digital screens. They try to be brilliant by focusing on the essentials. Not only do they shine, each piece is a mirror, that creates new identities. Whoever looks at them, will always see it differently, the light is always different as is the reflection in them: each second we change, like our surroundings, and like the portrait in which we reflect ourselves.

We bring our interlocutor to life.

1,95m x 1,50m Mixed technique 2020 igu. Unlearn, and Get Dirty! «What makes me shine? Unlearning!
1,90m x 1,30m Mixed technique 2020 eva.​ Don't You Dare Define Me, That's So Limiting!

Esto es lo que soy cuando nadie está mirando

Desde barcelona

Estoy en Madrid

Soy un diseñador de arte orientado al artista

El foco principal de mi trabajo es la entrega de palabras e ideas en espacios nocturnos, con materiales de decoración de discotecas como lentejuelas, espejos, letreros dorados o neón.

Busco nuevas formas de crear narrativas nocturnas que involucren sexo, drogas, imágenes o música… como parte implícita de los objetos visuales.

Tengo experiencia en creatividad.

Yo amo lo que hago

Respiro Arte y Diseño



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