
Open Call for Fanzineist Vienna

We are now accepting applications for Fanzineist Vienna – Online Edition 2022 from artists, independent publishers, art spaces and galleries. Registration is open to everyone who publishes art books and zines.


Exhibitors Deadline: 3 July, 2022 // 23:59

Apply Now!

Fanzineist Vienna – Online Edition, which brings together small press and independent publishers, has the mission to make zines and art books accessible through exhibitions, workshops, concerts, screenings and talks and introduce the viewer to the culture of self-publishing.

Fanzineist is a fair that welcomes artists, publishers and other creative people to share their stories, knowledge, love of zines and art books.

Edible Zine Submission, Exile Books, Miami

EXILE Books is in search of zines related to food, cooking, eating, and any other "digestible" topics. Our jury will look for works that explore the food industry, farming, culinary traditions, and expressions of taste and aroma.


Puchi Award 2021

La Casa Encendida and Fulgencio Pimentel are pleased to present the fifth Puchi award.

The competition is open to books in any genre or form: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, novels, comics, picture books, essays, cookbooks, geography books, combinations of the above or any other type imaginable. We’re looking for one-of-a-kind book, or even a whole new kind of book.

Puchi Award seeks for the most innovative, groundbreaking, vibrant book proposals in any genre, focusing on their boldness and their links with present-day art languages.

Prize: 8.000 € + publication

Submisions: 15/12/2020 – 18/02/2021

More info and submision at site


Call for book title submissions

Open call for submissions. Looking for photographs or visual narrative material that relate to how two or more books/book titles from your personal library come into dialogue. Whether arranged as a couple or spread out, what discursive opportunities arise with the selection of books you have at hand? This is a relaxed exercise and should be quite spontaneous. 

An example for a submission is found in the image:

-"Against What? Against Whom?"

-"Against Everything."

The submitted material will be gathered together for a small publication and there is a possibility for the books to be collected and exhibited at a site within the South London area. 

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