Climate Change

Człowiek! Tu byłem!

Wirtualne Muzeum Antropocenu announces an international open call for our first exhibition “Człowiek! Tu byłem!” (eng. Human was here!)

From November 26 – December 20, 2020 we invite artists — regardless of background, education and nationality to submit works to our inaugural exhibition.

“Człowiek! Tu byłem!” is a visual and conceptual exploration of the Anthropocene - the era of the human, its complexities and contradictions. What does it feel like? What does it sound like? What does it look and taste like? Engage your senses and dive into what it means to live in and experience the Antropocene.

All visual, literary, and sound works are welcome.


Liverpool Arab Arts Festival 2021: Call for Proposals

Liverpool Arab Arts Festival (LAAF) is inviting proposals for our 2021 festival. The festival will be held Friday 16 – Sunday 25 July, 2021.

The Right to a Future: Fighting Climate Change MUSIC VIDEO

Deadline: 30 November, 2020

Call for Videos: The Right to a Future: Fighting Climate Change Music Video

Learn more here:

Sea levels are rising! Ice sheets are melting faster than ever! There are too many greenhouse gases! The Earth is on fire! Global temperatures are increasing rapidly! Weather patterns are out of control! Forests are being destructed! Animals are dying! People are dying!


ZEST Hall is a virtual gallery hosted by Round Lemon. We aim to contribute even more to the cultural life by organising an exhibition once every three months. Every show will last 12 weeks. The submissions will be open 6 week before the exhibition launch, and will close after 4 weeks.

CURRENT EXHIBITION: EARTH (September 28th - December 28th 2020)

Theme: Earth

Sea of Change

The Virginia Beach Art Center invites you to submit to our a showcase of all media artwork from the Mid-Atlantic states.  There is beauty in all the waterways that surround us, but our climate is changing and perhaps our lives as well.   Artists from South Carolina to Pennsylvania celebrate our present and warn of our future.

The exhibition is juried by Gary Ryan, Executive Direcetor of the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, and features an award total of $2000! The opening reception is September 4th, 6-8 pm.



Bucharest, Romania for international artists

Deadline for application: 13th July, 2020.
Quick details: 1 artistic residency,1/2 month duration in Bucharest (3rd August – 12th September, 2020)


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