Contemporary analogue photography

6th Annual Alternative Process Exhibition at The Image Flow

Juried by: Adam Finkelston, J. Jason Lazarus, Chris McCaw, and The Image Flow

The Image Flow invites artists to submit work to our sixth annual group exhibition of alternative process photography. Cyanotype, platinum-palladium,
gum bichromate, van dyke, photogravure, tintype, ambrotype, wet plate collodion, mordançage, transfers and lifts, salt prints, hand-painted, original lumens, and any combination of alternative process photography will be considered.

OPEN CALL - Analogue Festival in Spain

The international festival of contemporary analog photography Revela'T is a unique event in Spain and pioneer in the world -absolutely singular and an international reference- that attracts the attention of photographers and people interested in Art and Culture from all over the world. The presence of all these artists and creators of first level has allowed to consolidate the excellence and international dimension of this analog event, in which photographers from many countries participate. We are celebrating our 10th anniversary. In these nine years, artists such as  Bruce Gilden, Alberto García-Alix, Cristina García Rodero, Bryan Schutmaat, Castro-Prieto, Denis Dailleux, Vanessa Winship have passed through the festival ...

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