
In Full Bloom

J. Mane Gallery invites submissions for its In Full Bloom botanical and floral online juried art exhibition.  

Throughout the history of art, certain subjects have resonated particularly strongly with artists and audiences alike. Trends reveal art's most popular muses, with flowers at the forefront.

Rooted in ancient art and still prevalent today, depictions of blossoms, blooms, and other botanical elements can be found in many of the most significant art movements, whether carved into clay or starring in a still-life. 

"ALIVE" Online International Juried Exhibition

Gallery Ring announces a contest devoted to anything that is ALIVE.  Work that depicts living things or beings ranging from flowers to animals to humans are wanted.   2D artwork including photography/digital is eligible.  All artistic styles from realistic to experimental are welcome.  Many awards are available: Best In Show (cash prize, free-entry voucher and juror's comments), Diamond Award of Excellence, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald Awards, Crystal Awards of Merit and others.  All winning artists receive a digital Award Certificate.  Top winners also receive a special, digital Award Page ideal for use in their portfolios and for sharing the news on social media and websites.  All winners and random Finalists will receive exposure and promotion on Gallery Ring's Instagram.

Art Show International Annual Art Contests – $2,500 in Cash Prizes – Call for Artists

Art Show International announces their Annual Art Competitions. All visual artists from around the world are encouraged to submit their best artworks on the theme for inclusion in the Art Show International’s s 2020 exhibitions beginning in November. All types of art styles may be submitted, including both 2D and 3D works, painting, sculpture, digital, printmaking, fiber, photography, graphic, mixed media, as well as experimental and installation works.


​The current themes are:




Artists are free to apply their own interpretation in representing the overall theme. Both representational and abstract concepts related to these themes will be considered. Additional themes will be announced.


2020 Botanical

2020 Botanical
Theme: ​​​​​​​​​​Plants, Flowers, Cactus, Succulents, Trees
Medium: All*
DEADLINE: September 6, 2020
Artist Notification: September 13, 2020
Exhibition Oct. 1 to Oct. 31, 2020
Artist Gallery Split: 65% Artist, 35% Gallery
Entry $35 for up to 3 images

Las Laguna Gallery presents 2020 Botanical.

For this artist opportunity the gallery is seeking works that show flowers, plants, trees, leaves, cactus, or succulents.


Subscribe to flowers