Healing Art

Coexistence and Boundaries

In psychology, Coexistence and Boundaries should be a microcosm of human relationships. From parent-child relationships to intimate relationships, and then to social interactions, symbiosis and boundaries are actually nowhere to be found in relationships between countries and even between humans and nature. All things are one, and only through symbiosis can they last forever; The foundation of symbiosis should be based on respecting the boundaries of other species or individuals. Just as the current issue of Japan discharging nuclear contaminated water into the sea is actually a lack of respect for the borders of other countries.

Emotions & Colors - Self Exploration Art Exhibition

Emotions are the driving force of every individual's existence, and when we possess emotions, we exhibit vitality. When emotions no longer exist, life loses its inner vitality. From passionate crime to Dep's depression, and then to apathy of schizophrenia. We can glimpse how emotions are changing within each person's body, and many people are unaware of their emotions and ultimately go astray.

And color is a rendering of externalized emotional power. Once our emotions are given color, we can more intuitively perceive their emotions from the colors.

"Domain of Heart" Global Healing Art Contest and Online Exhibition

stage is as big as the heart is. Everyone has a map of his own world in his heart, which represents a territory of his heart. In psychology, there is a word for psychological territory, which refers to the maximum tolerance of individual psychology. This is also an important cause of psychological problems.


stage is as big as the heart is. Everyone has a map of his own world in his heart, which represents a territory of his heart. In psychology, there is a word for psychological territory, which refers to the maximum tolerance of individual psychology. This is also an important cause of psychological problems.


Phoenix: Hope, Rebirth, and Transformation (in aid of Earthquake victims and their families in Turkey)

Turkish British Association for Culture (TUBAC)- a creative association that understands arts and culture can bring many benefits, is planning to organize another huge group exhibition.

This creative association aims to support young artists, promote fine arts, fashion, music, dance, theatre, literature, culinary art and to strengthen the multi-cultural bridge the UK.


It delivers artistic and cultural organisations by working with artists and talents - who comes from different countries, promote them and presenting their work to large masses and create a series of activities.


The Healing Power of ART Inspired by NATURE

About The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS and Our Mission
The Healing Power of ART & ARTIST is an initiative of Manhattan Arts International, based in NYC, NY. We believe ART has the power to heal, inspire, provoke, and challenge. We raise awareness about how art is a catalyst for positive change and enhances the well-being of individuals, society and the environment through our artist membership gallery, online art exhibitions and articles.

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