
Exhibition: The Collective We

RevArt invites artists to submit works for “The Collective We,” an exhibition at CoBiz in Richmond, CA, running during Winter and Spring 2024. This exhibition explores the power of art to shape and reflect community, highlighting themes of collective identity, social change, and shared experiences.

We welcome submissions from artists working in all mediums who are inspired by the role of art in community-building. The purpose of this exhibition is to celebrate the diverse expressions of community through art.

About RevArt:

retelling utopia - fluctoplasma 2022

This year's fluctoplasma open call 2022 is online for you! Spread the word and send us your applications by 10 May if you want to be part of our fluctoplasma utopia!

By „retelling utopia“, we are looking for your individual and collective visions! How do you grasp, conceive and feel it? In which utopia would you like to live in? Which narratives need to be reinterpreted, which visions do we have to get rid of? Does your utopia already exist, is it possible in the present, or is it an unattainable state?

Surveillance Society. A State of Control


Call for Exhibition │Free entry

Accepted media: Photography, Digital Visual Design, Video

Group Exhibition in Rome or Milan city. April 2022


This call intends to collect works that are useful while critically commenting on contemporary society and on the tools used to regulate the behavior of the masses.

"A state of control", this is how the condition of men who live within the spaces of an evolved society can be defined. More and more technologies are being used to guarantee the safety of individuals, in an attitude of trust towards those who have the task of nipping in the bud the emergence of behaviors not recognized by social norms.

Terre da Film Festival


The historical period in which we live is inevitably leading us to ask ourselves again who we are and where we put ourselves in the world. In addition to asking ourselves who we are today, we must also ask ourselves what our relationship is with others and how to include them in our lives.

At its first edition, Terre da Film Festival focuses on the theme of the IDENTITY.

Identity as choice.
Identity as a mirror.
Identity as a departure or a new point of arrival.
Identity of a place or a dear event.
Identity as a condition of perpetual searching.

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