
"ALTERNATIVE SCREENS" - International Videoart Festival CUVO 2024

The International Videoart Festival CUVO launches new open call for the next edition of the festival called "Alternative Screens" intended for video artists all around the globe. This year we want to focus on the idea of alternative as it was analyzed by cultural theorist Mark Fisher.

We'll select eight of the most innovative videoart pieces that will shape the travelling exhibition of the festival in Spain along 2024.

The deadline is September 30th of 2023, there are no fees and the maximum length allowed is around 5 minutes.

OPEN CALL for the VI edition of the International Bad Video Art Festival

We are looking for videos which are at the intersection of bad art, bad painting and bad cinema. We propose to study extreme forms of video art and single out certain video art works as bad videos or “B-videos”. Join us if you are interested in the issue of quality and boundaries of art.

8th nodoCCS Video Festival CALL FOR ENTRIES

Open Call 2022
8th Festival video nodoCCS
Abre 22 Septiembre 2022
Cierra 22 Octubre 2022

Video as art opens portals to other realities and to the experiences of others.

The 8th nodoCCS Video Festival returns to its on-site proposal in the city of Caracas, reaffirming its intention to "sustain and inhabit spaces" to generate encounters in a fragmented world.

The experience of the past years inspired us to go beyond the exhibition space and expand the physical locations of our projections, to generate global dynamics, new ways of collaborating and above all to articulate our work to this new reality.

Cinedanza 4 - international contest & festival

The 4th edition of the most yellow international screendance contest & festival is here!

You can submit your screendance short film only on FilmFreeway, as usual. But starting this year there are 2 sections!


What we're looking for

  • films no longer than 10 minutes
  • produced after 1st January 2020
  • with subtitles in italian or english
  • with no thematic limits

What you get

CUVO Videoart Festival - OPEN CALL 2021

Once again, the itinerant videoart festival, CUVO, launches its call to make a selection of the eight most innovative audiovisual creations at an international level.

Since its outset, CUVO has aimed to give a wide and transversal gaze about the problems of our present through contemporary art.

For this sixth edition we want to ponder about how the idea of paradise has changed in the times we live in. Has it definitely disappeared? Or we can still design new liquid typologies from which to configure a new idea of community.

We are open to receive any type of videocreation, regardless of its technique and genre.

Altered Images

Altered images is a spontaneous space for experimental film production, videoart, installations and live music. The festival aims to showcase silent or sound movies that are open to a sound reinterpretation.
Our showcase is open to artists all around the world whose works have an experimental and innovative character.
Its goal is to create forthcoming events of live music, projections and art installations where people can enjoy the show in a relaxed and friendly environment. We’re looking for brave and risky filmmakers, who enjoy exploring the sounds and the different touch other artists can provide to their images.


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