Best Picture Award



Stories change the world
A contest established to discover the best pictures, to have your work seen by 600,000+ visitors around the world, including leading publications, we encourage to submit your best works and connect with our online audiences from 200+ countries ! Your works will be promoted thorugh our social media, newsletter and our audiences from 200+ countries, including leading publications, galleries and collectors.

Part of ArtJobs

Details and Submission :

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Hólmar Hólm
Exploring the boundaries of gender and gendered expression, these photographs draw on the art of drag and female illusion, combining or conflating them with more traditionally masculine styles. The photographs also allude to queer culture and counterculture, as viewed through a mostly camp...
Sander Vos
United Kingdom
Having never touched a roadbike before, Joseph decided to take up the exercise bike and cycle 840 miles from London to St.Tropez in France (virtually) during the lockdown. He broadcast his journey live on Instagram, with a significant following building up during the tour, he eventually raised £30....
Nathan Cole
I had just arrived a few days before at my artist residency in rural India, near a small village called Andore in Rajasthan. I was there to photograph and identify wildlife as reference material for my scratchboard portraits. I had acquainted myself with the surrounding farms and the pathways t...
Jana Garvanlieva
North Macedonia, Republic of
Humans are animals - Animals are human. We swam and we crawled, we stood up and hunted, we fought and strived, we grew and developed, we raised thoughts and memories and fantasies, we became knowledgeable and  sophisticated, we became self-sufficient, self-centered and self-obsessed, we became...
NTTS (notimetosleep)
United Kingdom
UNITED, 2020,these self-portraits photography is a celebration to diversity.  Yes we are black and yes we are white. Even if we are both so different, born on opposite sides of the planet, we both started from one single cell. This is a pretty simple statement that NO ONE should ever fo...
Michael Eure
United States of America
As quarantine went on I'm sure all of us felt an urge to find value in the simpler things in life, those things we would take for granted. I began to find value, both artistically and emotionally, in the simple life the my dog Jack lives every day. While every being has their trials and tribulations...
vicki couchman
United Kingdom
As the UK struggles with Lockdown fatigue during the Covid19 crisis, couples and friends escape their homes to enjoy the warm weather and exercise. Swimmers respect the social distancing rules, cooling off in the River Lea, Hackney , London UK. So to get this shot I went out armed with my 70-200mm l...
Viviana Dal Lago
Panic attack. Analogic photography. Double exposure. Kiev 88. Ilford HP5 400 This photographic series was made during a personal search for the expression of my discomfort. I was never able to put into words what I felt (still feel) with my panic attacks, but one evening, after developing the...