BBA Prizes

(Deadline Extended) BBA Artist Prize 2023

A jury of experts debates the entries and ensures an unbiased evaluation and high quality standard. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize and the Audience Award are awarding artists for their visual excellence, storytelling, conceptual thinking, technical craftsmanship and subject depth over a series of works. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Prize winners will also be awarded with a Group exhibition at the CSR.ART/ Contemporary ShowRoom Berlin by DEEDS NEWS, and the 1st prize winner will receive an additional solo show at BBA Gallery. BBA Prizes will feature the best applications through their social media profiles and website throughout the whole application period.

BBA Artist Prize 2023

Le candidature sono ora aperte. Il BBA Artist Prize 2023 premia gli artisti internazionali, indipendentemente dal loro background, con diversi premi, tra cui una mostra personale, premi in denaro e molto altro. Il concorso prevede una mostra collettiva degli artisti selezionati presso l'iconico Kühlhaus di Berlino, uno dei luoghi più amati dalla città per gli eventi artistici e culturali, e un'intervista con Deeds.News. Il BBA Artist Prize è un evento importante per l'arte contemporanea a Berlino e durante il Gallery Weekend.

BBA Artist Prize 2023

Applications are now open. The BBA Artist Prize 2023 awards international artists irrespective of their background with several Prizes incl. a solo show, cash prizes and much more. The competition includes a group exhibition of the shortlisted artists at the iconic Kühlhaus Berlin, one of the city’s most favoured venues for arts and culture events and a newspaper interview with Deeds. News. The BBA Artist Prize is a major event for contemporary art in Berlin and during Gallery Weekend.



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