Independent & Image Art Space

Open Call | Exhibition in China - Surreal Photography: Illusions and Dreams

Independent & Image Art Space (Chongqing, China) is happy to announce a group exhibition open call “Surreal Photography: Illusions and Dreams”.

The "Surreal Photography: Illusions and Dreams" exhibition aims to explore the intersection between reality, illusions, and dreams, presenting a visual experience that transcends the ordinary. Inspired by the realms of dreams and illusions, photographers use various techniques and unique perspectives to create images that are both familiar and fantastical.

Open Call | Exhibition in China: Abstraction in Photography

Group exhibition at Independent & Image Art Space (Chongqing, China) in June 2024.

Open Call | Photography Exhibition in China: Black & White

Group exhibition at Independent & Image Art Space (Chongqing, China) in April 2024.


Independent & Image Art Space (Chongqing, China) presents an online exhibition open call with the theme of "MACHINE MUSE".


Independent & Image Art Space (Chongqing, China) presents an online exhibition open call with the theme of “OUR FUTURE”.

OPEN CALL | Abstract Art with New Media

Independent & Image Art Space (Chongqing, China) presents an online exhibition open call with the theme of “Abstract Art with New Media”.


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