Les Nouveaux Riches

LNR Open Call. The Art Vitrine

Les Nouveaux Riches is pleased to announce the open call for the Les Nouveaux Riches Kunst-Schaukästen in Seeboden am Millstätter See. The 'Kunst-Schaukasten' (The Art Vitrine) is a curated presentation format by Les Nouveaux Riches. At Hauptstraße 84 in Seeboden am Millstätter See, the association curates an ongoing display of artworks from national and international artists throughout the year. The „Kunst-Schaukasten“ acts as an interface between art and the public, contributing a novel dimension to the public space.

Aspects of self-reflection as spaces of society

Exhibition: Aspects of self-reflection as spaces of society
Duration: 13.04. – 18.05.2024
With works from: Alpine Gothic, Francisco Valença Vaz, Mara Novak, Rebecca Merlic

LNR Open Call. Exhibition in Public Space

For the past year and a half, we have been hosting artists‘ works on the premises of the RED CARPET ART AWARD. We have been featuring to everyday commuters and passers-by, the work of Kristina DESKA Nikolić, Gert Resinger, Vukadin Filipović, Lorenz Wanker, and Elsa Martini (just to name a few), and we are keen on continuing to do so.

This time, we are offering national and international artists a slot in Volkstheater Station (U3 Line, the „Volkstheater“ Stop, exit MuseumsQuartier). The open call is directed to everyone who has a great concept. However, we kindly ask you to consider the following points before submitting your application:

LNR Open Call. Online exhibition

Most of the Kunstmatrix adopters were seen in 2020; indeed, the program dates back to around 2008. I began curating online only in 2020, during the first wave of COVID. Even though it now seems that everyone has returned to the physical again, for me this „new“ discovered love has remained – sitting a couple of evenings in my office, playing and thinking about online exhibition displays, giving a line to the selected paintings in the online architectures, highlighting, or even hiding artworks on digital walls. For 2023, we have decided to make an open call.

Do you have an idea, a series of works that deeply explore a theme, a thread, something that doesn’t let you sleep?

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