The Syzygy Project

Open Call: Connection

What connects you? What grounds you to the landscape and life that exists around you? 

The Syzygy Project is excited to announce that our next environmental theme will be: “CONNECTION”. We invite artists from all creative backgrounds to consider the threads that connect people, nature, and planet. What is your relationship to the world around you and how can we foster a culture that embraces the interconnectedness of our world? 

All mediums are welcome to submit. 

All selected works will be displayed in a virtual exhibition on The Syzygy Project website and featured on our social media. 

Submission Deadline: October 28th 2022

Who we are: 

Extinction Virtual Exhibition

As we move into our second quarter of 2022, I am thrilled to announce that the Syzygy Project's new theme will be: EXTINCTION! The Syzygy Project will be spending the next three months diving deep into this incredibly important theme, exploring it through the lens of art, activism, and conservation.

We invite artists from all creative backgrounds to consider the species and ecosystems that are disappearing at a rapid rate around the globe. What is your connection to these species, what can we all do to protect those who are vulnerable to the changing climate and how art can serve as a voice for change? 

All selected works will be displayed in a virtual exhibition on The Syzygy Project website and featured on our social media. 

Submission Deadline: July 28th 2022

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