open callsart projects

Adversiting, Fashion, Graphic Design, Art Direction, Photography, Dance, Digital Art, Performing Arts
Styling, Interior Design, Illustration and more ...


Victor Leguy

São Paulo


Victor Leguy | is an artist and researcher, graduated in Industrial Design / Visual Arts (Mackenzie / São Paulo, 2003), graduated in Historical Relations and Languages ​​(USP / São Paulo, 2005/06)....
Maria Emídia Oliveira da Silva Rebelo


Engenheira Civil

Aidime (nome artistico) é uma engenheira civil que, desde criança, nutre um amor pela arte. Ao longo de sua vida, buscou diversas técnicas e meios para expressar sua criatividade, desde a Escolinha...
Victoria Tarrío

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

Visual Arts Teacher specialized in Ceramics

I'm Vicky and I do ceramics since I started highschool at twelve years old, so that makes almost 16 years working with clay. In the last 6 years I started working on production and studying it more...
Carlos Eguiguren



• Was born in Santiago Chile in 1955 • 1976 Decided to become a photographer after studying Art at Universidad Catolica Chile. He started as an assistant to Chilean photographer Roberto Edwards at...
Memi Martinez


Visual artist

I’m one of the youngest street artists in the world scene. I studied visual arts and did specializations in oil painting , sculpture, fresco paint. After my graduation I travel and meet street art...
Luigi Di Mauro

São Bernardo do Campo


Luigi Di Mauro works with visual arts since the 1980s. Painting, illustration, graphic design, website development and product designs are in their professional portfolio. Since 2006 producing...
