The Acting Studio - New York | Chelsea Repertory Company


The Acting Studio - New York
Chelsea Repertory Company , 244 W. 54th St., 12th Fl. , New York, NY 10019
City: New York
Address: Zina Jasper Private Coaching , 575 W. End Ave. , New York, NY 10024
Tel: 212-873-2370
City: Los Angeles
Address: Dig Wayne , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 213-793-1864
City: North Hollywood
Address: LaValle Actors Workshop , 10834 BurbankBlvd., Ste. 100A , North Hollywood, CA 91601
Tel: 818-788-2183
City: Los Angeles
Address: Acting 4 Camera , 8240 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 5 , Los Angeles, CA 90048
City: North Hollywood
Address: Ken Lerner Studio , 11006 Magnolia Blvd. , North Hollywood, CA
Tel: 818-753-7744
City: Los Angeles
Address: Elocution Solution , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 800-597-9691
City: Los Angeles
Address: Cathleen Leslie , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 310-991–9081
City: Los Angeles
Address: Wayne C. Dvorak , 1949 Hillhurst Ave. , Los Angeles, CA 90027
Tel: 323-462-5328
City: Los Angeles
Address: Bobbie Oliver – Tao Comedy Studio , 131 S. Western Ave. , Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: 323-697-8287
City: Franklin
Address: The Actor's School , 128 Holiday Court, Ste. 128 , Franklin, TN 37067
Tel: 615-500-7661
City: Brooklyn
Address: Ken Schatz Actor Training , 106 Hicks St., Ste. 4A , Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: 718-625-8372
City: Houston
Address: Next Iteration Theater Company , 2101 Winter St. , Houston, TX 77030
Tel: 716-266-6482
