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Cashman Commercials: The “Cashman Cache” of Voice Acting Techniques
- Los Angeles
Cashman Commercials: The “Cashman Cache” of Voice Acting Techniques
, Los Angeles, CA
City: Bronx
Address: NY Acting Company
, Hostos, Humanities Department, 500 Grand Concourse
, Bronx, NY 10451
Tel: 646-391-6136
Website: http://www.nyactingcompany.com
City: New York
Address: Marc Taslit/Acting Opera
, New York, NY
Tel: 727-859-4599
Website: http://www.actingopera.com
City: New York
Address: A Class Act NY
, 200 W. 60th St., Ste. 28 E
, New York, NY 10023
Tel: 212-315-3010
Website: http://www.aclassactny.com
City: New York
Address: The Children’s Acting Academy
, 131 W. 72nd St.
, New York, NY 10023
Tel: 212-860-7101
City: North Hollywood
Address: The Actors Sanctuary
, North Hollywood, CA
Tel: 818-793-6630
Website: http://www.theactorssanctuary.com
City: W. Hollywood
Address: The Vincent Chase Workshop
, 1206 N. Detroit St.
, W. Hollywood, CA 90046
Tel: 323-450-9424
Website: http://www.vincentchaseworkshop.com
City: Valley Village
Address: Michael D. Nye Dynamic Acting
, Valley Village, CA
Tel: 818-509-1629
Website: http://www.askanactingquestion.com
City: New York
Address: Atlantic Acting School
, 76 Ninth Ave., Ste. 537
, New York, NY 10011
Tel: 212-691-5919
Website: http://www.atlanticactingschool.org
City: North Hollywood
Address: Ken Lerner Studio
, 11006 Magnolia Blvd.
, North Hollywood, CA
Tel: 818-753-7744
Website: http://www.kenlerner.com
City: New York
Address: Studio 4 NYC
, 358 W. 44th St.
, New York, NY 10036
Tel: 844-634-7637
Website: http://www.studio4ny.com
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Studio4NYC
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Studio4NYC
City: Woodland Hills
Address: The Audition Lab
, 6431 Independence Ave.
, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Website: http://www.phaedraharriscasting.com
Instagram: http://Instagram.com/PhaedraCast
City: Studio City
Address: Katt Shea
, 13273 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 104
, Studio City, CA 91604
Tel: 818-515-6606
Website: http://www.kattshea.com