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Darlene Koldenhoven
- Studio City
Darlene Koldenhoven
, Irvine and Valley Spring Lane
, Studio City, CA
City: Los Angeles
Address: Margie Haber Studio
, 971 N. La Cienega Blvd., #207
, Los Angeles, CA 90069
Tel: 310-854-0870
Website: http://www.margiehaber.com
City: Los Angeles
Address: Mime Theatre Studio
, Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 310-494-MIME 6463
Website: http://www.mimetheatrestudio.com
City: Venice
Address: Marilyn Fox
, 703 Venice Blvd.
, Venice, CA 90291
Tel: 310-650-0969
City: Los Angeles
Address: On-Camera Classes with Christinna Chauncey
, 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Ste. 125
, Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-720-3052
Website: http://www.oncameraclasses.com
City: Topanga
Address: Kate Geer’s Shakespeare Survival School
, Carousel Stage
, Topanga, CA
Tel: 310-455-4295
Website: http://www.shakespearesurvival.com
City: New York
Address: Ruth Nerken
, 10 W. 66th St., Apt. 12G
, New York, NY 10023
Tel: 212-362-5277
City: Los Angeles
Address: Elizabeth Gamza
, Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-481-2774
Website: http://www.elizabethgamza.com
City: New York
Address: Grace Kiley Acting - Acting for Stage & Screen
, New York, NY
Tel: 917-593-2662
Website: http://www.gracekileyacting.com
City: Toluca Lake
Address: Clay Banks Studio International
, 10660 Riverside Dr., Ste. CBSI (Upstairs)
, Toluca Lake, CA 91602
Tel: 818-518-9128
Website: http://www.claybanksstudio.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/claybanksstudio/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/coachclaybanks
City: New York
Address: The Studio@NYCDA
, 39 W. 19th St.
, New York, NY 10011
Tel: 646-825-4682
City: Los Angeles
Address: The Second City Hollywood
, 6560 Hollywood Blvd., Second Fl.
, Los Angeles, CA 90028
Tel: 323-464-8542
Website: http://www.secondcity.com/hollywood
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SecondCityLA