Just Breathe Acting


Just Breathe Acting , Hollywood, CA
City: New York, Bearsville
Address: Voicetheatre , 219 Avenue B, #3B , New York, NY 10009, Voicetheatre , 13 Wittenberg Rd. , Bearsville, NY 12409
Tel: 845-679-0154
City: Warwick, Warwick
Address: LDI Pro , P.O. Box 9666 , Warwick, RI 02889, LDI Pro , 1845 Post Rd. , Warwick, RI 02886
Tel: 401-226-4677
City: Los Angeles
Address: The Actors Intensive , 2070 Hillhurst Ave. , Los Angeles, CA 90027
Tel: 323-620-6951
City: Topanga
Address: Kate Geer’s Shakespeare Survival School , Carousel Stage , Topanga, CA
Tel: 310-455-4295
City: Woodland Hills
Address: The Audition Lab , 6431 Independence Ave. , Woodland Hills, CA 91367
City: New York
Address: Paul Eiseman , 305 E. 40th St., Ste. 4H , New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-953-6926
City: Los Angeles
Address: Bob Garrett , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-506-5526
City: Venice
Address: Gerry Katzman’s Standup Comedy Class , Venice, CA 90291
Tel: 323-251-1286
City: Pasadena
Address: Jenifer Parker – No Feare Shakespeare , P.O. Box 92299 , Pasadena, CA 91109
City: North Hollywood
Address: Sam Christensen Studios , 10440 Burbank Blvd. , North Hollywood, CA 91601
Tel: 818-506-0783
City: Bronx
Address: Larry Gleason, Acting Coach , 860 Grand Concourse , Bronx, NY 10451
Tel: 917-549-5173
City: Torrence
Address: Samurai Stage Combat , 2800 Skypark dr. , Torrence, CA 90505
Tel: 310-849-1466
