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The Michael Chekhov Acting Studio
- New York
The Michael Chekhov Acting Studio
, 138 W. 15th St., First Fl.
, New York, NY 10011
City: Los Angeles
Address: Brian Reise Acting Studios
, 7954 Fountain Ave.
, Los Angeles, CA 90046
Tel: 323-874-5593
Website: http://www.brianreiseacting.com
City: Los Angeles
Address: Lynette McNeill Studio
, 419 N. Larchmont
, Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: 310-274-1085
Website: http://www.lynettemcneillstudio.com
City: Santa Monica
Address: Hull Actors Studio
, Santa Monica, CA
Tel: 310-828-0632
Website: http://www.methodactingclassesla.com
City: New York
Address: Stella Adler Studio of Acting
, 31 W. 27th St., Fl. 3
, New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212-689-0087
Website: http://www.stellaadler.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/stellaadler
Instagram: http://instagram.com/stellaadler
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stellaadlerny
City: Burbank
Address: Film Acting Studio
, The Actor's Key, 3504 W. Magnolia Blvd.
, Burbank, CA 91506
Tel: 323-385-6349
Website: http://www.filmactingteacher.com
City: Los Angeles
Address: David Coury’s Singing for Actors
, 1445 N. Las Palmas Ave.
, Los Angeles, CA 90028
Tel: 323-962-3188
Website: http://www.davidcoury.com
City: North Hollywood
Address: Lauren Patrice Nadler Studios
, North Hollywood, CA
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/LpnStudios
City: Phoenix
Address: Shawn Nelson Film Acting Master Class
, Phoenix, AZ
Website: http://www.shawnnelsonacting.com
City: Santa Monica
Address: Baron Brown Studio
, 1323 Lincoln Blvd., Ste. 200
, Santa Monica, CA, 90401
Tel: 310-451-3311
Website: http://www.baronbrown.com
City: Santa Clarita
Address: Santa Clarita School of Performing Arts
, 23502 Lyons Ave., Ste. 105
, Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Tel: 661-222-7910
Website: http://www.scsopa.com