Samurai Stage Combat


Samurai Stage Combat , 2800 Skypark dr. , Torrence, CA 90505
City: New York
Address: Barbara Kahn , New York, NY
Tel: 917-463-8321
City: Los Angeles
Address: The Comedy Academy , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 310-413-6633
City: Los Angeles
Address: The Sanford Meisner Center , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 800-988-9051
City: New York
Address: Jim Bonney Acting Studio , New York, NY
Tel: 917-721-7278
City: New York
Address: Meisner International with Steven Ditmyer , 484 W. 43rd St., #35S , New York, NY 10036
Tel: 917-915-1175
City: Beverly Hills
Address: Sandra K. Horner Performance Studio , 468 Camden Dr., Ste. 349B , Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Tel: 818-636-7899
City: Sarasota
Address: E. Katherine Kerr , Sarasota, FL
Tel: 203-762-7304
City: New York
Address: A. Aibel Acting & Voice Studio , 244 W. 54th St., 10th Fl. , New York, NY 10019
Tel: 917-226-9803
City: Los Angeles
Address: Adele Cabot , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-800-0301
City: Santa Monica
Address: The Sacred Actor , 3017B Second St. , Santa Monica, CA 90405
Tel: 310-367-4023
City: New York
Address: Anthony Abeson Studio , 411 W. 50th St. , New York, NY 10019
Tel: 212-581-4471
City: Pasadena
Address: Jenifer Parker – No Feare Shakespeare , P.O. Box 92299 , Pasadena, CA 91109
