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Vocal Power Academy
- Los Angeles
Vocal Power Academy
, Los Angeles, CA
City: Los Angeles
Address: Lisa Dalton Studios Inc.
, Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-761-5404
City: New York
Address: Stella Adler Studio of Acting
, 31 W. 27th St., Fl. 3
, New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212-689-0087
Website: http://www.stellaadler.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/stellaadler
Instagram: http://instagram.com/stellaadler
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stellaadlerny
City: New York
Address: Shane Ann Younts
, 500 Eighth Ave.
, New York, NY
Tel: 917-496-0529
Website: http://www.shaneannyounts.com
City: New York
Address: Body Dynamics™
, 151 W. 26th St.
, New York, NY 10001
Website: http://www.thereynoldstechnique.com
City: Los Angeles
Address: Cyb Barnstable
, Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-501-4734
City: Los Angeles
Address: Cathleen Leslie
, Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 310-991–9081
Website: http://www.cathleenleslie.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mother94
Twitter: https://twitter.com/leslie_cathleen
City: Los Angeles
Address: The Science of On-Camera Acting
, Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 323-744-1253
City: Santa Monica
Address: Wendy Haines Ignite Your Career Workshops
, 1129 Lincoln Blvd., Ste. 6
, Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tel: 310-395-3246
City: Studio City
Address: Professionally Speaking With Julie Daniels
, Studio City, CA
Tel: 818-623-8960
Website: http://www.teechspeech.com
City: Los Angeles
Address: What’s the Story? Studio
, Spring Art Tower, 453 S. Spring St., Ste. 1104
, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: 626-838-2737
Website: http://www.whatsthestoryLA.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stacie.chaiken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/staciechaiken/
City: Los Angeles
Address: James Bolt
, Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 323-559-9466
Website: http://www.jamesbolt.com