


More is the leading voice of today’s sophisticated, affluent and accomplished woman, who is enjoying the richest years of her life, sharing news and advice on beauty, fashion, health, career, travel, money and relationships from her distinct perspective.

On the website, they invite you to share your own stories, ask questions, connect with other members, upload photos (Should you toss that dress from three years ago? They will tell you the truth.), swap secrets, offer your opinions and find all the information you need to live a joyful and successful life.

Country: United States
City: New York

Odiseo is an independent publication for adult entertainment appealing to the confident and intelligent man of today. It includes a selection of stories with an erotic point of view, paired with the most cutting edge ideas in an exquisite uncoated smooth paper.

Country: Germany
City: Berlin
Country: Spain
City: Madrid

With a fresh new look and more news content, practical business advice than ever before, Professional Beauty provides you with all the information you need to grow your business and make it a success.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: Spain
City: Madrid

Paper Planes is a biannual fashion magazine made in Barcelona. The value of the Paper Planes brand list in the seal of quality belonging to each of the published proposals, the revolutionary layout of its typography and the collaboration of prestigious photographers and designers.

Country: Spain
City: Barcelona
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: India
City: Mumbai

WFM is the international fashion magazine for reports Runway of Milan, Paris, New York, London, Madrid, Barcelona, Tokyo, Hong Kong. - Plus Accessories, Beauty and Cosmetic, Watch & Jewelry, Shoes & Bags Both.

WFM-world fashion magazine is a guide of ready to wear and provides information on latest runway reports than any other fashion magazine.The content is relevant to what is hot and new trends in the upcoming season’s fashion for millions of glamorous women around the world.

Country: China
City: Hong Kong

Extensive trend information for the whole textile and fashion market, published in the run-up to the fabric and yarn fairs, with special focus on young womens wear, street fashion, designer collections, trade fair reports, colour and styling trends including fabrics and print designs Highlights: A condensed survey on trends and markets with trend sketches and mood boards exclusively created for the respective issue Young and fresh presentation of the contents Practice-oriented focus points: the first seasonal issue providing colour and print tendencies as well as styling ideas, the second with extended trend reports from the trade fairs Complex view on young womens and girls wear (colours, materials, designs, styling, accessories) Trend sketches for trousers, jackets, skirts, dresses and more Additional illustration of the themes by photos from the designer shows Colours and colour harmonies with codes according to the PANTONE® FASHION + HOME System Bilingual: English/French

Country: France
City: Paris

New York is a weekly magazine principally concerned with the life, culture, politics, and style of New York City. Founded by Milton Glaser and Clay Felker in 1968 as a competitor to The New Yorker, it was brasher and less polite than that magazine, and established itself as a cradle of New Journalism.The magazine has, as a rule, published fewer national and more urban-tabloid stories than its sometime rival, but has also freely veered outside the city's borders, publishing many noteworthy articles on American culture by writers such as Tom Wolfe, Jimmy Breslin, Nora Ephron, Kurt Andersen and John Heilemann. In its current incarnation under editor-in-chief Adam Moss, "The nation's best and most-imitated city magazine is often not about the city—at least not in the overcrowded, traffic-clogged, five-boroughs sense," wrote Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz, as the magazine has increasingly published political and cultural stories of national significance. Since its 2004 redesign and relaunch the magazine has won more National Magazine Awards than any other publication. It was one of the first city magazines, and one of the first dual-audience "lifestyle magazines," and its format and style have been emulated by some other American regional city publications.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Poland
City: Cracow
