
WINGS 2024, International Art Competition, Animals and Wildlife

Submit your animal-themed art and photography that has to do with wings or flight: Birds, bats, flying squirrels, sugar gliders, flying fish, insects, and more! If the animal can fly, glide or coast, or if the animal has wings, the artwork can be entered!

  • All animals that are capable of flight are welcome.

  • All animals that have wings are welcome, even if they can't fly.

  • Wild, domesticated, feral, rural animals are all welcome! (Budgies, pigeons, falcons, hawks, chickens, ducks, bats, butterflies, bees, etc)

2D and 3D artwork and photography desired.

All entries must feature an animal and must be the original artwork of the submitting artist.

Gallery Ring BIRDS Online Art Contest

Gallery Ring is excited to announce its first online contest and exhibition all about birds.  Birds must be the main and obvious subject in the composition or the work must have been created by a bird. 
The deadline to submit work is Wednesday, July 31st 2024.  The fee is $20 US for 1-3 artworks.

WINGS, the Art of Flying Things

For WINGS, please submit your best artwork and photography that includes or features any animal with wings. Birds (wild or otherwise), bats, flying fish, flying squirrels, insects, and more are welcome!

All entries must be the original artwork of the submitting artist.

We are looking for 2D and 3D artwork that falls into a variety of art style and genre categories: Abstraction, Surrealism, Realism, Pop Art, Expressionism, Assemblage, and more!

This call for art is open to all international artists age 18 or over and working in any medium (except video and sound art).


  • Digital Art (includes digitally manipulated photographs)

  • Drawing and Pastels

The Crow Show 2021

THE CROW SHOW 2021 is the seventh national annual exhibition of visual arts running from April 3 - 24, 2021 produced by The Studio Door. 

Lucky number seven.  This exhibition is our most popular visual arts exhibit bringing artists from across the nation to celebrate the Crow.  Having taken on mythological importance, Crows appear in all parts of the world.  In folklore, they may foreshadow tragedy or usher in good news.  The reality is a highly intelligent bird capable of social interactions.  In recent years, the crow has become a muse to many artists.  This annual exhibition seeks to represent the many faces of the Crow in reality and fantasy.  Show us what the Crow means to you  [Creative interpretations of all black birds, ravens and other Corvus species are acceptable].

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