Call For Artist /Video art / film

VII International Bad Video Art Festival OPEN CALL

The VII edition of BAD VIDEO ART FESTIVAL will take place at L.A.M.A. (Laboratorio Artistico Multidisciplinare Autogestito), Cosenza, Italy, in December 2024.

The International Bad Video Art Festival (BVAF) is an independent, artist-run initiative. The Festival has been held since 2017. Video artists and B-movie fans Natalia Monakhova and Andrey Slaschilin once decided to explore whether something like bad video art exists. It is well known that B-movies have long since formed a unique cultural niche with their own heroes and fans. In other art sectors, however, the concept of “bad” has not been explored as actively.

Superpresent Summer 2024 Issue

Superpresent is seeking submissions for the Summer Issue. The theme is Zing!. We are seeking poetry, short stories, essays, asemic writing, experimental art, video, sound art, all forms of visual art. Deadline is 6/1

VideoArt.Ist Screening

Videoart.Ist International Video Art Screening Program in Turkey, also known as Efes Video Arts Screenings and the program is nomadic event. We seek experimental and conceptual video art works and experimental short films including experimental narrative and experimental documentary.
Screenings are held at different times and places. The information about these venues will be announced to the participants.

Adventure Filmmakers Workshop 2023


The Adventure Filmmakers Workshop is an exceptional chance for independent and emerging filmmakers to advance their skills under the guidance of two of the world’s premier and proven adventure filmmakers. During a jam-packed 10 days in the fall, participants will hone their craft, strengthen their skills, whilst networking with fellow filmmakers, industry insiders, and decision-makers. 

This all takes place within the core of the Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival, where epic stories are told through the eyes of adventurers, authors, photographers, and filmmakers from around the globe.

What does the program offer?

Odds and Ends Experimental Film Festival Call for Submissions

Odds & Ends is an experimental film festival located in Charlottesville, Virginia. The festival will hold its inaugural screening on April 29th, 2023 at the Vinegar Hill Theatre and will be presented by Light House Studio.

We seek films and videos that push formal and conceptual boundaries, allowing for multiple ways of understanding and interpretation. Our aim is to celebrate a diverse range of films that work across modes and genres, addressing the materiality of the medium from poetic, personal, or political perspectives. We welcome everyone, especially innovative works by emerging filmmakers that work outside of commercial structures.


Terre da Film Festival - Open Call 2023

Terre da Film is a place where people meet up to live an experience through cinema, art and more. Every summer artists, filmmakers, poets, students, tourists and locals live for a few days in the town of Canelli to create a unique temporary community.

Next edition will be during the first two weekends of July. We are looking for films for our screens and people to meet.

In 2023 Edition Terre da Film will focus on the theme of THOUGHTS ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT.

How does a living being dwell and influence its own environment? How does an environment influence beings/organisms by which it is constituted of?


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