
Artist Opportunities - Public Art Proposals with $5,000 stipend & Arts Market Vendors needed

The Open Arts & Music Festival is a FREE and all-ages event in the heart of Downtown Glendale that is accepting applications for two artist opportunities.

Call for Choreography: CHOP SHOP Contemporary Dance Festival

WHO: Dance companies and individual choreographers working in contemporary dance and based in the U.S. or Canada
WHAT: CHOP SHOP: Bodies of Work, a contemporary dance festival
WHEN: February 15 & 16, 2020
WHERE: Meydenbauer Center Theatre, Bellevue, WA, USA

Edinburgh TV Festival Ones to Watch

Ones to Watch gives television’s best and brightest access to four days of inspiring sessions, creative debate and unrivalled networking opportunities at Edinburgh in August, as well as support and mentoring throughout the year. A place on Ones to Watch is a life-changing, money-can’t-buy opportunity.

Ones to Watch 2019 will take place 19-23 August at the Edinburgh TV Festival.

Call For Applications

Call for Applications

6thAnnual Mbongui Square Festival 2019

Date of Festival: December 20, 21, & 22 
Locations: Shawl Anderson Dance Center (Berkeley) 
& Idora Park Project Space (Oakland)

Mbongui Square Festival promotes the intersectionality of art forms and encourages ethnic diversity. This event creates a bridge between local, national and international artists to enrich the local experience and reinforce the vision of a society that coalesces through the art of dance, music, spoken word poetry, and visual arts.

GETXOPHOTO Open Call 2019


Call for entries until April 21st


GETXOPHOTO International Image Festival invites photographers and visual artists from all over the world to share their vision on Post Homo Sapiens. Programming the future.

This Open Call is the opportunity to exhibit in GETXOPHOTO Festival. The four (4) selected works will be exhibited during the 13th edition, from September 4 to 29, 2019 in Punta Begoña Galleries, Getxo.

Festival of Cinema NYC

Festival of Cinema NYC, New York City's fast growing film festival enters its fourth year in 2020! Beginning the first Friday of August, this year Festival of Cinema NYC will run from August 7 - 16th.  


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