
Open Call for the 25 Spiral Independent Creators Festival

Now accepting creators' applications for the 25 Spiral Independent Creators Festival (SICF25), happening from May 2-7, 2024 at Spiral (Tokyo). 

Launched in 2000, SICF is an open-call art festival that aspires to discover, foster, and support emerging artists and designers. Organized by Spiral, an arts complex in Tokyo’s Aoyama, SICF brings together creative talents across different fields and disciplines to present their work. The festival attracts a wide variety of visitors from the creative industries, including gallery owners, curators, collectors, buyers, and media professionals. Over the years, SICF has continued to expand as a platform for artistic activities, through encounters between new talents and visitors.

Torino Fringe Festival 2024

This call to take part in the Torino Fringe Festival 12,
that will take place between 17 may and 2 June, is already open. You can send us your proposals for theatre, audiovisual, performance, music, dance, circus, stand-up comedy, or any other performance genius that comes to mind up until 30 October 2023.
To apply for this call you must consult these guidelines, sign up to portal.tofringe.it and complete the application form with the dates of your proposed activity. Links can be found below.


✏️DEADLINE: Monday, 30th October 2023

1️⃣ Consult the guidelines at www.tofringe.it/call-2024-eng/

2️⃣ Log-In or Register

3️⃣ Fill the form with the dates of your proposed activity

SerformanceP - International Performance Art Exhibition in Sao Paulo

"SerformanceP 2023": 7th International Performance Art Exhibition in São Paulo!

Since 2015, SerformanceP promotes the production and enjoyment of performing arts in different formats. Annually, artists from around the world show their creations in an exhibition in São Paulo, Brazil, a cultural and countercultural hub in the global south.

Over the years, "SerformanceP" has evolved into a prestigious platform that showcases the most innovative and daring performances from artists worldwide. With a rich history of pushing artistic boundaries and transcending traditional norms, this remarkable event has earned international acclaim as a beacon of creativity and expression.

"ALTERNATIVE SCREENS" - International Videoart Festival CUVO 2024

The International Videoart Festival CUVO launches new open call for the next edition of the festival called "Alternative Screens" intended for video artists all around the globe. This year we want to focus on the idea of alternative as it was analyzed by cultural theorist Mark Fisher.

We'll select eight of the most innovative videoart pieces that will shape the travelling exhibition of the festival in Spain along 2024.

The deadline is September 30th of 2023, there are no fees and the maximum length allowed is around 5 minutes.


WAXworks is a non-curated showcase open to new and seasoned artists. There is no audition process. Applications are accepted on a firstcome-first-served basis. Any kind of stagecraft is welcome; we invite choreography, theater, music, poetry, comedy, juggling, acrobatics, monologues, performance art, or any other form that can be performed on stage.

WAXworks takes place at Triskelion Arts located in Greenpoint, Brooklyn on Calyer St.

WAXworks offers artists an opportunity to showcase up to 12 minutes of work on a professional stage with a full technical capacity, receive anonymous written feedback from a large, diverse and enthusiastic audience, receive professional photo and video documentation of their work, and much more!

Discovery Awards

Essay for the Future: Considering the present as we imagine and build the future together.

For the 33rd edition of Encontros da Imagem, we wish to explore the challenges that the world continues to experience and keep up the necessary conversations on topics such as representation, inclusion, environmental sustainability, the politics of everyday life, and the power of change held by social movements. There is an urgent need to stop and listen. While democracy weakens and extremists gain ground in the frenzy of both virtual and real life, we wish to take a step back and think of new forms of organization, ways of life, and creation.


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