Indigenous Arts

Write Over Here: Indigenous Screenwriting Residency 2025


Write Over Here is a screenwriting residency where dedicated Indigenous writers are invited to engage with faculty to support the development of their scripts for feature or short films, series and narratives. Participants will meet with the faculty team for both group gatherings and one-on-one sessions; online in Week 1 and in-person for Weeks 2 - 4.

Indigenous Haute Couture – Digital Embellishments 2024

The four-week Indigenous Haute Couture Fashion Residency, led by faculty lead D’Arcy Moses, will offer eight Indigenous textile-based artists the opportunity to incorporate upcycled and/or digital embellishments into their work and to develop their designs and pattern development skills. 

Indigenous fashion makers and designers will explore experimental elements or accomplish finished productions of their work with an haute couture aesthetic in a fully supported environment.

Wîchoîe Ahiya Indigenous Singer Songwriter Residency 2023

Inspired by Elder Buddy Wesley, Wîchoîe Ahiya (“Wee-cho-ee-ay A-hee-ya”) means “singing words” in Stoney Nakoda. This three-week residency allows participants to deepen their creative practice and expand their skill set through faculty led workshops, group gatherings, and one-on-one sessions with senior faculty. Take time to shape your vision for your next project. 

What does the program offer?
Wîchoîe Ahiya Indigenous Singer Songwriter Residency is designed to explore the entire process of song writing with different methodologies, expand on performance skills, and learn the intricacies of production. 

Akunumustiǂis (Natural Law) - Ecological Engagement Through the Seasons - 2023


This four week residency engages eight visual artist participants in a land-based, observational learning that will support the artist to develop and create a project drawing from their artistic practice that will inform the cultural narratives of this region. The artists will have access to a studio to support the creation of their project. 

The project is reconciliation-based through the empowerment of Indigenous artists, working with institutions through a process that allows for meaningful engagement with the land; including Banff National Park, Parks Canada and local Knowledge Keepers. Working together, the process encourages knowledge exchange and centres Indigenous ways of knowing. 

Indigenous Dramaturgies Exchange 2023

Indigenous Dramaturgies Exchange offers you professional development and space for artistic exchange on a current or upcoming dramaturgy project, with a focus on on-the-land engagement as a way of locating stories.

This program provides reciprocal mentorship and community building. You are encouraged to apply with a mentor or collaborator.

Indigenous dramaturgies; as artistic ceremony, as political resistances, and as community-building, are under studied and under supported. In this program we will discuss and explore your roles in deeper detail, with the support of faculty and with cultural facilitators for on-the-land engagement sessions.

Performing Arts & Indigenous Arts Creation Lab - Spring 2022 | In-Person

Creation Lab residencies are designed for performing artists and companies worldwide to develop their new work in one or more Banff Centre studio spaces on the land of Sacred Buffalo Guardian Mountain. Creation Lab is a partnered initiative of Performing Arts and Indigenous Arts at Banff Centre. The focus of these self-directed residencies is to offer contemplative and creative exploration in performance spaces. This can include experimentation with choreography, improvisations and sight specific areas. Collaborations with Indigenous artists outside of similar accessibility will also be considered. 


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