
Come to virtual gallery from Brazil

I am artdealer in Brazil, I have a site with a virtual gallery to sale artworks. I want to invite international artist for sale in Brazil. The online art market is growing up fast, I in Brazil we don't have much gallery that sales international artist. The Brazilian art market is focus on Brazilian artist. I want to bring to here other people to make different. I pretend make a exposition in 2021 if I have a great collection of art to do this.Come to Brazil to sell your artwork.

At the end of the year, we gonna make an auction in a plataform that has so many customers from all of Brazil. Come on in!

We start the virtual gallery in December 2020, and we already have artist from Russia, Bulgarian, US and more!!

Call for book title submissions

Open call for submissions. Looking for photographs or visual narrative material that relate to how two or more books/book titles from your personal library come into dialogue. Whether arranged as a couple or spread out, what discursive opportunities arise with the selection of books you have at hand? This is a relaxed exercise and should be quite spontaneous. 

An example for a submission is found in the image:

-"Against What? Against Whom?"

-"Against Everything."

The submitted material will be gathered together for a small publication and there is a possibility for the books to be collected and exhibited at a site within the South London area. 

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