
BIG INK at 3S Artspace, Portsmouth, NH

BIG INK, a nationally recognized print arts organization, is traveling to 3S Artspace in 2019.  3S has invited BIG INK to host a two-day event where prints will be pulled from large-scale woodblock plates carved ahead of time by sixteen artists.  We are seeking image proposals from emerging, mid-career, and established visual artists who would like to carve a woodblock, at least 24" x 36" in dimension, to print at the event.  No prior printmaking experience is required. Any artist that has an interest in print media and wants to achieve a deeper understanding of woodblock carving is welcome to apply.

Print Studio Traineeship Opportunities

londonprintstudio is a not-for-profit organisation that provides educational resources in the graphic arts for artists, community organisations, educational institutions and the public.

londonprintstudio provides a wide-range of services to artists and the public including:

gallery exhibitions and education programmes

open-access to printmaking and computer graphics facilities

courses and training programmes

innovative education projects

volunteer traineeship programme

digital services

editioning projects


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